Wednesday 29 April 2009

All or nothing

Today, instead of being a blog about the lack of poo, it is about an abundance of the stuff!

We had three dirty nappies throughout the day and yesterday we had two.

Although I am feeling relived about the frequency of duckling's poo, I can't pinpoint a reason why all of a sudden it should have changed. Obviously just two days of regular pooing isn't something to worry about, but it is unusual for her, so should I be worried? She's also been fussy with her bottles recently, not taking them as well as normal, and never finishing them. She is still sleeping well though and content most of the time during the day so I'll just wait and see.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Poo in the bath


Duckling just did a poo in the bath!

And that was after a poo earlier this afternoon. Are we on to something?

Today I have learned that baby wipes are far more effective at removing poo from the water. Toilet paper disintegrates too quickly! However, this does leave you with the problem of what to do with said baby wipe which is now oozing with poo, just waiting to seep through your fingers, as you can't put wipes down the toilet!

We suspected duckling may be about to poo in the bath based on her facial expressions in the moments prior to the deed being committed, however, we weren't quite expecting it, having already dealt with a dirty nappy earlier. Hubby tried to hover duckling over the toilet but this gave him the additional problem of how to wipe her bum whilst holding her.

I can conclude that dealing with poo in the bath should not be tackled alone!

Thursday 23 April 2009

Nappy changing at speed

Three nappies full of poo yesterday. I needed to change them faster than the tyre fitters in a formula 1 pit lane!

I think Duckling felt much better afterwards. Is this the start of things to come, lots of poo every day, or will there be nothing now for a week?

Monday 20 April 2009

We are not alone

Just found an interesting post about baby poop on mumsnet. Seems a few other mums have had babies that don't poo very often.

A few of the posts are saying breast fed babies don't poo as often as bottle fed. I have heard this too as it's something to do with there being little waste in breast milk. Basically babies hold on to everything because their bodies use all of the nutrients. However, duckling seemed to be pooing fine until we introduced a bottle feed. The health visitor suggested easy digest formula which we now use combined with expressed breast milk, but she is still very irregular.

No poo today at all.

Sunday 19 April 2009

A bouncing chair can help - apparently

We have poo!

The trouble with babies that don't poo very often is that when they do, you need to be ready!

As it was quite warm this weekend, duckling was sitting on her bouncing chair in just a vest over her nappy. She was grumbling a bit and letting us know she was there, but as we were eating lunch we just rocked her chair by the side of our table, reassured her we were there and carried on eating. We didn't really notice that she had gone quiet until I glanced across at her.

Coming out of the side of her nappy and her vest was a slimy mess slowly getting bigger, oozing all over the chair. I couldn't react quick enough and whilst I tried to get duckling out of the chair, the poo kept coming!

It was everywhere!

Luckily, hubby ran the bath whilst I cleaned her up, and we even had my mom on hand to clean the chair cover. At least infrequent pooing gives us many memories to share with duckling when she's older - maybe at her 18th birthday?

Friday 17 April 2009

Online advice

Still no poo.

But I have found a few web sites that say infrequent pooing is nothing to worry about.

Baby Centre has an interesting posting which says 'normal' can vary from baby to baby and says it can be over a week between pooing

There are also a few discussion groups where mums seem to be having similar experiences so I feel a little bit reassured.

I'd feel even better if duckling did a poo though.

Thursday 16 April 2009

I must be obsessed

I am officially obsessed with duckling's poo. I must be. I was greeted by a work colleague this morning with a question I never thought I would ever hear: "How's the poo situation?". (I don't think she was asking about me.)

The 'situation' is that we are still awaiting the poo. It's been five days now.

There was one moment last night when our hopes were raised by the indescribable whiff coming from the direction of our little duckling - but it turned out to be a false alarm. She has wind to rival her father!

Should I be worried about the frequency of duckling's poo? I shall use the fail-safe research method of googling.

The Poo dunnit blog

Becoming a mum is a wonderful time. Better than you can imagine. Everyone says having children will change your life forever, but there are some unexpected consequences, not least the development of an obsession with poo!

When our little duckling was born, everything seemed to be running smoothly so to speak. We 'enjoyed ' regular dirty nappies which were dutifully changed. In fact, at times, hubby and I fought over who would take on the nappy challenge, just so that we could have the undivided attention of our duckling in the precious few moments that she was awake.

But all that soon changed. The poo disappeared.

Over the course of a few weeks, the poo started to dry up. Dirty nappies became fewer and further between until we realised a whole week had passed us by.

Although the thought of using fewer nappies and the resulting cost savings was initially welcomed, we were obviously concerned. The health visitor helpfully recommended a mixture of water and organic orange juice. A nice idea in principle, but when all you've ever tasted in your life is milk, the introduction of such a fruity offering doesn't always go down well. Several attempts to coax the duckling into drinking more than a few sucks-worth of juice from her bottle failed, although we were rewarded the following day with a 'lovely' nappy. Coincidence?

After several weeks of waiting for poo we became obsessed. How often should a baby poo? No one had any definitive answers, and I have yet to receive a satisfactory response - even the doctor didn't seem to know (but thankfully didn't seem to be too concerned either).

Phone calls from friends and family no longer started with traditional greetings of "How are you?" or even "Hello" - the magic words "Any poo yet?" preceded every conversation. More often than not, the negative response sparked several suggestions on how to resolve the situation, but on a few occasions we were able to recount the joyful 'episode' of duckling's dirty nappy.

Many future blogs will go into wonderful detail of how to deal with a week's worth of poo in one go but until then, I'm off to change a (dry) nappy!